Foundations II

About Foundations II | F2 Learning Pathways | F2 Course Schedule

About Foundations II

Foundations of Emergency Medicine (FoEM) creates free, open-access, learner-centric, level-specific residency curricula that have been widely adopted in the United States.  The Foundations II (F2) course was developed for PGY-2 learners and mirrors Foundations I but includes more complex diagnoses and critical care management within the practice of Emergency Medicine.  The F2 course is divided into 30 systems-based units. Learners are expected to review curated self-study resources prior to each meeting (flipped classroom approach), allowing classroom time to be used for active learning and application of knowledge through small group patient cases.  After each meeting, you can review an Essential Learning summary (aka Teaching Points Handout) +/- paired assessments to help with spaced repetition, application to clinical practice, and EM In-Training Exam (ITE) preparation.  

To optimize your learning, take advantage of the following Foundations I course learner resources:


Foundations II Learning Pathways

FoEM Learning Pathways provide high-quality, independent study resources that pair with each F2 course unit.  There are a combination of text-based as well as multimedia-based resources including FOAM (Free Open Access Medical education) blog posts and podcasts, in addition to journal articles and high-yield summaries of evidence-based practice (EBMedicine).  Choose your pathway based on your preferred method of studying.  Using the listed objectives for each unit, triage your time to focus on critical clinical presentations and known gaps in your knowledge.  At a minimum, try to protect 2 hours of study time each week.  Specific Learning Pathway assignments for each unit of Foundations II can be found by system on the FoEM main page.  For more details about specific resources and strategic use, visit our Learning Pathways How-To page.

FoEM Learning Pathway Essentials

  • Use objectives for each unit to guide your preparation
  • Spend at least 2 hours a week studying
  • Use our vetted and coordinated references, or use your own


Foundations II Course Schedule for Learners

Below you will find the core schedule for Foundations II.  Keep in mind, your program may be making significant changes from the standard schedule and your local Foundations Course Director will provide you with a detailed schedule for your institution (dates with specific units for your site).  Note that the core schedule below includes suggested but optional Frameworks for each unit and suggested paired assessments (Rosh Review, PEER) for each unit (these may or may not be provided by your program).

FoEM PLAYLIST– Take advantage of our collection of “walk-up songs” that correlate to cases in the FoEM Foundations II (F2) curriculum with the goal of engaging the learner and sparking curiosity for the learning topics.  Review the full list here, access songs through this F2 Playlist link, or search for us on Spotify (FoundationsEM).

Block 1

MeetingUnitGeneral TopicsRosh or PEER Mini-TestOptional Paired Framework
0OrientationFoundations Overview, Intro to Oral Boards Cases
1GI IGI Bleeding, Liver Failure, PUD, Bowel Obstruction, Acute AbdomenFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 01- GI IAbdominal Imaging, Approach to Nausea and Vomiting
2GI IIPancreatic Disease, Biliary DiseaseFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 02- GI IIApproach to Jaundice
3Pulm IRespiratory Failure, Intubation, Vent MangementFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 03- Pulm IApproach to Emergent Airway Management
4Pulm IIPulmonary Embolism, Hemoptysis, Pulmonary MalignancyFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 04- Pulm IIApproach to Hypoxemia
5Pulm IIIPulm Infections, Pleural Effusion, ARDSFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 05- Pulm IIIApproach to Emergent Airway Management
6Cards ISyncope, Narrow Complex ArrhythmiasFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 06- Cards IApproach to Syncope, Tachyarrhythmia, Bradyarrhythmia
7Cards IIMyocardial Infarction, Wide Complex Arrhythmias, Cardiac ArrestFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 07- Cards IIApproach to Cardiac Arrest, Approach to Undifferentiated Shock
8Cards IIICardiovasular Devices, Heart FailureFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 08- Cards IIIApproach to CHF
9VascDisorders of CirculationFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 09- VascApproach to HTN in the ED

Block 2

MeetingUnitGeneral TopicsRosh or PEER Mini-TestOptional Paired Framework
10Trauma IChest Trauma, Head and Neck TraumaFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 10- Trauma ITraumatic Head Injury
Chest Trauma
11Trauma IIPediatric Trauma, Trauma in Pregnancy, Abdominal TraumaFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 11- Trauma IIAbdominal Trauma
12Trauma IIIMulti-System Trauma, Skull and Spine Injuries, Mass Casualty IncidentsFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 12- Trauma IIIPelvic Trauma,
Extremity Vascular Injury
13Peds INeonatal Disorders, Peds GI diseaseFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 13- Peds IApproach to the Sick Neonate,
Approach to the Febrile Neonate,
Approach to Peds Abdominal Pain
14Peds IICongential Heart Disease, Peds Neurologic DisordersFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 14- Peds IIApproach to the Sick Neonate
15Peds IIIPediatric Airway Emergencies, Peds Intubation, Peds ArrestFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 15- Peds III
16HEENTHEENT Infections, Adult Airway ObstructionFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 16- HEENTApproach to Vision Loss

Block 3

MeetingUnitGeneral TopicsRosh or PEER Mini-TestOptional Paired Framework
17IDAIDS, Opportunistic Disease, Uncommon Infectious DiseaseFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 17- IDAproach to Fever in the HIV Patient
18Neuro IStroke, Brain and Spine Infections, Altered Mental StatusFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 18- Neuro IApproach to AMS
19Neuro IINeuromuscular and Spinal DisordersFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 19- Neuro IIApproach to Weakness
20OrthoTraumatic Orthopedic InjuriesFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 20- Ortho
21Tox IAlcohol, Street/Recreational Drugs, Common OverdosesFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 21- Tox IApproach to the Poisoned Patient/ Toxicologic Resuscitation
22Tox IIToxic Bradycardia, Classic ToxidromesFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 22- Tox IIApproach to Toxidromes
23EnvironmentalHeat/Cold Injuries, Altitude Sickness, Electrical InjuriesFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 23- EnviroApproach to Hypothermic Resuscitation

Block 4

MeetingUnitGeneral TopicsRosh or PEER Mini-TestOptional Paired Framework
24RenalRenal Failure, Male Genitourinary DiseaseFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 24- RenalApproach to Testicular Pain
25OB/GynComplications of Pregnancy and Delivery, GYN InfectionsFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 25- OB.GYNApproach to Female Pelvic Pain, Approach to Vaginal Bleeding
26Endo IEndocrine Disease- Glucose, Fluid and ElectrolytesFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 26- Endo IApproach to Hyperglycemia/Insulin
27Endo IIEndocrine Disease- EndocrinopathiesFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 27- Endo II
28Heme/Onc IThrombocytopenia, Anemia, Transfusion ReactionsFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 28- Heme.Onc I
29Heme/Onc IISickle Cell, Coagulation DisordersFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 29- Heme.Onc IIApproach to Sickle Cell Crisis
30ImmunoAllergic Reactions, Transplant ComplicationsFOUNDATIONS II (F2) UNIT 30- ImmunoApproach to the Undifferentiated Rash